Everything Starts With Intention
I started this company in order to create something I would be proud to be a part of. As I set out to create a product that was functional, comfortable, and stylish.
My intention with Late Sunday Afternoon is to produce handmade goods that are filled with details and quality. I set out to make clothing, accessories, and home goods that are made for snuggling. My creations are all meant to be timeless. To exist 20 years in the past or the future.
I am so honored and grateful to be able to produce locally here in Venice California since 2012. Please come visit our store and say hello!
With Gratitude,
Matthew Schildkret • President & Founder

"Everything I make starts with function. From function I move into how it makes me feel, also known as comfort. Once the comfort is addressed, I land on style. "
- Matthew Schildkret Founder & President

Our scarves are meant to be a reminder. A reminder to return to the present moment and be conscious of the blessing of being alive. We believe in the energy that flows around the world, from person to person, from moment to moment. When we finish our scarves, we leave the stitching long in the corners. We then take that extra thread and tie four knots - each one meant as a blessing for the person who will wear the scarf.
We knot & bless our creations to Love, Happiness, Adventure, and Mystery. We bless everything so you can practicing blessing yourself. How you speak to yourself is how you show up in your world.
We choose not to be another clothing company creating disposable fashion in a factory half-way around the world with dubious labor practices. We take pride in being a no-waste business, and creating a conscientious production process that honors the people who work for us, the earth, and our community.
1920 Lincoln Blvd Venice California 90291
11am to 5pm Monday - Friday
10am to 5pm Saturday - Sunday