Dirt & Glitter with Rachelle Tratt

Councilor / Entrepreneur / Yoga Teacher
Rachelle might be the reason Late Sunday Afternoon exists the way it does. It was her scarf that Matthew Schildkret found while living in Windward Circle in Venice Beach during the Occupy days.
She's an indomitable spirit who shares her soul with the world through her counseling, The Neshma Project, teaching yoga, and her golden doodles Bailey.
Why Yoga?
Yoga has helped with my healing journey as it relates to my childhood traumas.
Yoga has helped me appreciate, respect, embrace and fall more in love with my body.
Yoga has helped me to become way less reactive and way more present.
Yoga keeps me in integrity.
Yoga helps me to show up fully, exactly as I am, moment to moment, breath by breath.
What is The Neshama Project?
The Neshama Project is my jewelry company that I started years ago, in honor of my mom, Nicole, who I lost when I was nine years old. Growing up, my mom was all about giving back to the community, so that is a very significant pillar of The Neshama Project.
Here is our mission statement:
Jewelry infused with meaning and soul. Through the ethical sourcing and sale of little luxuries, The Neshama Project aims to expand a tribe of wellness and adventure seekers who value the opportunity to give back, feel beautiful, empowered, and connected to something greater.
What are your biggest struggles?
The trauma and loss that I have endured in this lifetime.
Losing my mom in a tragic way, at a significant developmental age, has played a role and continues to as it related to my attachment challenges in relationships.
Thankfully I have a great understanding of all of this due to my own personal therapy and healing. Also being in grad school for clinical psychology continues to help me understand my unique challenges and on the flip side, my unique bravery and resiliency (She has since graduated from her program).
What are your favorite accomplishments?
The Neshama Project.
Bailey, my 10 year old golden doodle who makes everyone she comes in contact with smile.
The way I facilitate a yoga class / workshop / retreat.
The beautiful humans in my life, who I get to call family.
What part of your personality are you most thankful for?
The part of me that is willing to take responsibility.
My continued commitment to learning, growing and doing my inner healing work.
My desire to help others and to give back.
My brave heart.
My playful personality.
My ability to always be the first and last one on the dance floor.
One of my mottos in life is "you can always find a beat to dance to".
What does your favorite or ideal sunday afternoon look like?
Mmmmmm, i love this question.
A long walk or a bike ride by the ocean with my loves and Bailey.
Or some cuddles, a good movie and some chips. ( i love chips)
What gives you hope for the future?
This is a challenging question - as the world continues to get weirder, and weirder. And with the rise in shootings at schools and synagogues/ churches/ mosques, and with increase visibility of terrorism, hatred, racism and continued discrimination, it's sometimes hard to remain hopeful. But then I hear of stories, of every day women and men, who are changing the political landscape, and paving the path for a new generation of thought leaders and game changers - well, this gives me hope.
Also, children give me hope.
And people and companies who are doing their part to make this world a healthier, safer, and happier place to live in.
What would you like to bless the world with? Pick one word.

What excites you about being an LSA ambassador?
I feel very connected to the brand and to the store.
In fact, once upon a time many m a n y years ago, Matthew and I were in Mexico with our friends celebrating the New Year. And I saw him rocking a scarf that I left at a house party he threw months prior. I knew it was mine, beacuse i got it in high-school and it had holes in it. Matthew, being Matthew, was like - "You snooze you lose, and its mine now"... In a swift turn of events, my girlfriend "stole" it back for me, and then Matthew was inspired to make his first scarf...
So I feel very connected to LSA.
The store, and what Matthew and Thomas have built and continue to create - is the essence of what Venice means to us all - magic - mystery - art - connection - and community.
LSA is a true gem in Los Angeles.
What are you doing next? How can people get involved?
My weekly yoga classes over at The Yoga Collective in Venice.
The Remedy - a movement experience I have created with my girlfriend, Hayley Rose. Yoga. Dance. DJ'd beats. Followed by a unique sound healing experience. Dates TBD in mid-July.